- An original short film written and directed by Sonia Linares Berroy. A magic surrealistic tale produced independently in 1999 in Liverpool, featuring narration and co-writing by Caius Wallen and the actress Lynda Williams.
- Award winning Playwright CHAIRS in trilogy «Travelling Thorigh Life» Directed by Caroline Baillie and performed by Critical Stage Company, London 2002.
- Et-Co* PRIMe Live Show –A multi-artistic & sensorial performance based on Et-Co* Second studio album PRIMe! featuring Audiovisual projections by Artist Conde Poveda, Contemporary dance by Patrizia Barbieri and Theatre company «La Porta de Fusta» at TAG Teatre Angel Guimerà (El Vendrell). A documentary by Nando Caballero- La Produktiva Films.
- Projecte comunitari BARRIS EN DANSA– «Narinant» Coreografiat per Alvaro de la Peña, produida per la comapnyia ILIACAN amb Música en viu de Et-Co* Liberto! GIRA Mercat de les Flors, SAT (Teatre Sant Andreu), Centrs Civics arreu Barcelona.